Cultivating Sustainable Futures: Community-Led Farming Initiatives in Malaysia by APPGM-SDG


  • Dana Claudia Undan Dumpangol



food security, community farming, income generation, community resilience, sustainability


Malaysia grapples with pressing food security challenges, marked by uneven resource access, fluctuating agricultural yields, and vulnerability to external factors. Recognizing the urgency of these issues, APPGM-SDG has directed its efforts towards fostering both food security and food safety. With 198 ongoing projects this year and 53 successfully completed projects in the previous year, this journal article explores APPGM-SDG’s initiatives in localizing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Malaysia, with a specific focus on community farming projects. The article aims to offer a holistic overview of these projects, delving into their multifaceted impacts and thoroughly examining their farming practices, socio-economic and community dimensions. The methodology involves the promotion of the food security initiative through grant allocation and selection processes for identifying and supporting solution providers. Additionally, insights from the database of the 198 ongoing projects, coupled with two case studies from completed projects, highlight the scale and reach of APPGM-SDG’s endeavors, providing both quantitative and qualitative insights into the tangible outcomes and positive impacts realized within the grassroots communities.


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