Kepentingan Perancangan Pembangunan Inklusif bagi Memastikan Kelestarian Sosial, Ekonomi dan Alam Sekitar: Kajian Kes Parlimen Kuala Langat

The Importance of Inclusive Development Planning to Ensure Social, Economic and Environmental Sustainability: Case Study of Kuala Langat Parliamentary Constituency


  • Nurul Syaza Mazelan



Development Planning, Inclusive; Sustainable, Sustainable Development Goals, Parliament Kuala Langat


All Parties Parliamentary Group Malaysia - Sustainable Development Goals (APPGM-SDG) always advocates the principle of “Leave No One Behind”. APPGM-SDG conducted an issue mapping study in the Parliament of Kuala Langat in 2023, which revealed that inclusive development planning significantly contributes to social, economic, and environmental sustainability. This is evident when considering the level of awareness among the population in the Parliament of Kuala Langat regarding local government development plans, such as Local Plans and Proposed Development Reports, especially for industrial development planning and new development areas, which are given significant attention. The population wants to ensure that the proposed development plans are more inclusive by considering the views and impacts received from the local community. However, challenges such as limited knowledge about the development planning process among the local community, limitations in making development planning decisions, and insufficient two-way communication between government agencies have led to unsustainable current development activities. The method of public engagement in development planning needs to be re-examined to ensure more inclusive development planning outcomes involving all stakeholders. Concurrently, the Sustainable Development Goal 17 (SDG 17) can be successfully manifested to ensure that development is implemented in a more inclusive and sustainable manner for the well-being of all. 


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