UN Resolutions on the Role of Parliaments and Parliamentarians in Accelerating the Achievements of the SDGs


  • Denison Jayasooria




public advocacy, multi-stakeholder partnerships, parliamentarians, parliaments, SDGs


Since the adoption of “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” on 25 September 2015 at the United Nations General Assembly, there have been strong calls for multi-stakeholder engagements in line with SDG 17.17 on partnerships between public, public-private sectors, and civil society. The various calls to different stakeholders include the three resolutions (A/RES/76/270, A/RES/72/278 and A/RES/77/159) adopted by the UN General Assembly on the role of parliaments and parliamentarians in the implementation of the SDGs at the international, national, and local levels. These resolutions highlight the relationship and partnership between the UN and the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) in SDGs. Elected Members of Parliament (MPs) are the people’s representatives. They represent their voters at the highest legislative body with an oversight role in areas including the allocations of the national resources through the annual budget and monitoring the effective delivery of services. The MPs play the additional role of being the vehicle to highlight the grievances of the people. In this context, the MPs deliberate relevant policies, programmes and legislation associated with the SDGs such as poverty, health, education, employment, climate change and good governance. This article further highlights the role of four parliamentary groups actively mobilising MPs engaged with the SDGs at the international level. These are the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA), Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) and Parliamentarians for the Global Goals (PfGG). The article ends with reflections and lessons of the role Malaysian MPs are playing through the APPGM-SDG. There is a need for greater visibility in public policy advocacy in Malaysia and on the global stage. To this end, more resources need to be made available to MPs to encourage their active involvement especially at the United Nations in New York.


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