Turning the Tide: A Comparative Analysis of Regional Parliamentary Approaches for Scaling up Climate Action


  • Amy, Lay Choon Tam Parliament
  • Dr Teo Ho Pin Parliament of Singapore, former Member of Parliament




AIPA, Arab Parliament, Climate Action, European Parliament, Regional Parliaments


This study explores the crucial role that regional parliaments play in promoting climate action across different regions. It underscores the necessity of cross-border climate action, given the interconnectedness of the climate system and the transboundary impacts of climate change. The study concentrates on the contributions of regional parliaments, often overlooked, in enhancing climate action through institutional structure.  It identifies the approaches, work done, and strategies implemented by regional parliaments to fill the knowledge gap in the field. By empowering regional parliamentary institutions, this study highlights their potential to drive effective climate action and accelerate the transition towards a more sustainable future.


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