Parliamentary Debate Dynamics: Understanding the Paradigm of Young Parliamentarians in the 12th Malaysia Plan Mid-Term Review Discourse


  • Mr Mohd Zulhelmi bin Syafuddin Tan
  • Miss Ashka Ayla
  • YB Dato' Indera Mohd Shahar Abdullah



Deliberative Quality Index, discourse analysis, 12th Malaysia Plan Mid-term Review, Inter-Parliamentary Union


Young parliamentarians play a dynamic role in shaping Malaysia’s economic trajectory, especially during parliamentary sittings such as the mid-term review of the 12th Malaysia Plan. This study explores the dynamics of parliamentary debates qualitatively, scrutinising the contributions of young parliamentarians through discourse analysis, utilising the Deliberative Quality Index (DQI) to analyse speeches during the 12th Malaysia Plan Mid-term Review Special Parliamentary Seating. Findings showcased a consistent range of the DQI’s scores. Still, interestingly, no clear correlation between educational background and political exposure was evident, suggesting a complex array of factors influencing deliberative quality. The thematic analysis highlighted a priority towards food security and future-ready talent, contrasted against a noticeable unfamiliarity with the MADANI concept. For a more nuanced understanding of  intergenerational collaboration in legislative discussions, this study advocates a holistic approach in future research.  This exploration into contrasting perspectives and debating styles between young and seasoned parliamentarians could pave the way for a more inclusive, progressive, and forward-thinking parliamentary discourse in Malaysia, fostering a blend of youthful innovation and seasoned wisdom.


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