Journal of the Malaysian Parliament <div class="subcontent-title">Journal of the Malaysian Parliament (JournalMP) Online ISSN: 2773-4900 and Print ISSN: 2773-4897 is an open-access, double-blind peer-reviewed journal published annually by the Research and Library Division, Parliament of Malaysia. JournalMP publishes articles related to practice and procedure in Houses of Parliament, issues pertaining to the Parliamentary affairs involving the functions of Parliament for representation, oversight, law-making, and financial oversight including current issues from the Parliamentary perspective to be considered for publication. In general, Journal of the Malaysian Parliament welcomes manuscript with a focus on legislative studies in the Parliament of Malaysia, parliaments in the Southeast Asia region, and State Legislative Assemblies of all states in Malaysia.</div> en-US (JournalMP) (JournalMP) Wed, 21 Jun 2023 02:55:53 +0200 OJS 60 Editorial Notes Nik Ahmad Kamal bin Nik Mahmod Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of the Malaysian Parliament Tue, 13 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Front Matter Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of the Malaysian Parliament Tue, 13 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Sistem Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khas di Dewan Rakyat, Parlimen Malaysia: Penilaian Kritikal terhadap Instrumen Semak dan Imbang Legislatif <p><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">The</span> <span dir="ltr" role="presentation">core</span> <span dir="ltr" role="presentation">functions</span> <span dir="ltr" role="presentation">of</span> <span dir="ltr" role="presentation">parliament,</span> <span dir="ltr" role="presentation">namely,</span> <span dir="ltr" role="presentation">legislative,</span> <span dir="ltr" role="presentation">oversight</span> <span dir="ltr" role="presentation">and </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">representative, reflect the significant contribution of parliament institutions </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">to the overall governance of the country. These roles add value to the </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">Executive’s activities while at the same time legitimising their actions. </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">The role of parliament in ensuring good governance is manifested through </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">the</span> <span dir="ltr" role="presentation">representation</span> <span dir="ltr" role="presentation">function</span> <span dir="ltr" role="presentation">and</span> <span dir="ltr" role="presentation">the</span> <span dir="ltr" role="presentation">government’s</span> <span dir="ltr" role="presentation">accountability</span> <span dir="ltr" role="presentation">in </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">parliament. This paper aims to examine the role of checks and balances in </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">the legislature through the Special Select Committee System in the Dewan </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">Rakyat, Parliament of Malaysia. The paper first gives a brief overview of </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">the background of the establishment of the current Special Select Committee </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">System in the Dewan Rakyat, followed by a comparison with select committee </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">systems in the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand. Next, this </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">paper analyses the strength and possible improvements of the Special </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">Select Committee System before concluding with serious considerations for </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">its strengthening as a way forward for the realisation of the Special Select </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">Committee System for legislative bodies in Malaysia.</span></p> Muthanna Saari Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of the Malaysian Parliament Tue, 13 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Pengukuhan Perkhidmatan Penyelidikan Bagi Keberkesanan Parlimen <p>The Malaysian Parliamentary Research and Library Division is a division of the Parliament Malaysia that offers research services and informational resources to parliamentary members across political parties. Strengthening the service of this research division by ensuring that accessing the research service with non-partisan, timely and facilitating quality information in providing more effectiveness of parliament as a legislative body in this country. This study explores the functions and research products introduced by this division to further strengthen its function and role in the parliamentary institution. Exploration of the similarities and differences in functions and products was also conducted involving the research section in three foreign parliaments, namely the UK Parliament, Parliament House of Australia, and New Zealand Parliament. The selection of these three countries is the main reference of Parliament Malaysia since its establishment in 1959. Data collection was done through the official websites of the House of Commons Library, Parliamentary Library-Parliament of Australia, and Parliamentary Library-New Zealand Parliament as well as written responses sent via emails by officials from the House of Commons Library, UK Parliament, Parliamentary Library, Parliament House of Australia, and Parliamentary Information Service, New Zealand Parliament. The findings showed that the Research and Library Division of the Parliament of Malaysia has improved its service and competency with the addition of new products such as opinions and editorial writings in local newspaper and article journal. Furthermore, strengthening this research division also involves external participation, particularly by the academicians and civil society, in various academic activities organised by this division. The findings further suggest the need to increase the number of research officers working at the Research and Library Division of the Parliament of Malaysia to meet the high workload and product output.</p> Siti Fahlizah Padlee, Norlizawaty Abdu Samad Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of the Malaysian Parliament Tue, 13 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0200 'Yang Indah-Indah', Bahasa dan Ideologi dalam Pantun Perbahasan Parlimen Ke-14 <div class="textLayer" data-main-rotation="0"><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">As the oldest Malay literary art form, Pantun aspires to the creation of </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">‘yang indah-indah’. In addition to the harmonious musical elements, vivid </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">alternate rhymes that are both perceived, the beauty of a Pantun lies in </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">its ability to convey deductive meanings using solid and transcendental </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">allegory. For this reason, politicians are inclined to make use of this art </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">form as a discursive strategy in political discussions despite its brevity </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">due to its accurate, concise, and captivating quality and its deep effect on </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">readers. Consequently, discourse Pantun becomes one of the important </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">sources of explanation of the phenomena of language and power that </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">take place in political discourse. Therefore, this study aims to elucidate </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">the relationship between language and power that exist in Pantun forms, </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">as well as to analyse the principles that support the aesthetics of Pantun </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">recited in the Fourteenth Parliament of Senate Assembly’s Hansard text. </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">Van Djik’s Ideological Square Scheme within the Critical Discourse Analysis </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">is applied, along with Muhammad Haji Salleh’s literary theory Puitika </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">Sastera Melayu (PSM). In short, in addition to its procedural function, </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">it was found that poetry plays an important role in generating binary </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">polarization through various discursive strategy such as Evidentiality, </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">Self-Glorification,</span> <span dir="ltr" role="presentation">Victimisation,</span> <span dir="ltr" role="presentation">Burden,</span> <span dir="ltr" role="presentation">Lexicalisation,</span> <span dir="ltr" role="presentation">Illustration, </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">Argumentation, Generalisasion and Metaphore. The selection of Pantun </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">in this study dynamically and relatively fulfilled all six principles of ‘yang </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">indah-indah’ of PSM theory. </span></div> Muhammad Qhidir Bin Mat Isa Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of the Malaysian Parliament Tue, 13 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Food Politics and the Paradigm Shift in the Parliamentary Debate on Food Security <p><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">Food security has become a pertinent issue that is constantly being </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">discussed in the mass media and even in parliamentary debates among </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">the politicians. The topic of food security is political; hence, it should </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">be handled with care within a confined aspect known as food politics. </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">This paper is a preliminary stage study to examine which facets of food </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">security that were most prominently debated among the members of </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">the House of Representatives and whether the discussions were in line </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">with and accurately portrayed the actual situation on the ground among </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">the public. Hansards from the Parliament of Malaysia seatings in 2019 </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">and 2022 were obtained as secondary data for analysis. The finding </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">showed that the question of food availability was frequently mentioned </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">in parliamentary debates as availability was the precursor to the other </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">dimensions of food security. Additionally, food security issues raised </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">by our politicians correspond with current major global issues that are </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">affecting the public; collectively known as the 3C-shock: COVID-19, </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">Climate Change and Conflict (Russia-Ukraine War).</span></p> <p> </p> Mohd Zulhelmi Syafuddin Tan, Ahmad Naqiyuddin Bakar, Yarina Ahmad, Quratul Ain Abdul Razak, Izzat Azri Ahmad Kharul Anuar Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of the Malaysian Parliament Tue, 13 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Perspectives, Experiences, and Involvement of Youths in Promoting Sustainable Development Goals in Malaysian Parliamentary Constituencies <p><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of goals that aim </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">to create new partnerships that involve all sectors of society to create </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">a community that leaves no one behind. People often think of youth </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">as drivers of innovation and social change, and they can play a key </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">role in realising the SDGs at the local level. This study used an action </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">research methodology to examine the perspectives, experiences, and </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">competence of Malaysian youths with regard to their contributions to </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">promoting the Sustainable Development Goals. Data was taken from the </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">Malaysian Youth SDG Agent Initiative, which involved 67 participants in </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">a quantitative survey and 24 in the second phase as SDG Agents. The </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">findings describe youths’ perspectives and experiences with three aspects </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">of youth involvement in promoting SDG. It is unequivocally affirmed from </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">various perspectives that youth hold such a significant role as active </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">agents contributing to the promotion of the SDGs, especially in raising </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">awareness about the SDGs in the local community via organising SDG </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">workshops and participating in different dialogues. Youths also have a </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">positive regard for their abilities and effectiveness, which is a good sign </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">that their diverse experiences have helped build the country. As a result, </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">recommendations are made to bring to people’s attention ways for youths </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">to be included in constituency-based sustainable development.</span></p> Zoel Ng, Philus Thomas Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of the Malaysian Parliament Tue, 13 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Parliamentarians & Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships in Implementing SDGs: In 57 Parliamentary Constituencies (Between 2020 and 2022) during the 14th Parliamentary Session <p><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">Parliamentarians in Malaysia have been very active in localising Sustainable </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">Development Goals (SDG) at the constituency level since the establishment </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">of the All-Party Parliamentary Group Malaysia on Sustainable Development </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">Goals (APPGM-SDG). Between October 2019 (when the APPGM-SDG was </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">established) and October 10, 2022 (when the Parliament was dissolved), </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">the 14th Parliament launched a truly bipartisan initiative. It is a significant </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">establishment of a formal structure and mechanism for engagement </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">between parliamentarians and non-parliamentarians. It was the first of </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">the APPGMs and remained very active in the 14th parliament. This article </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">reviews these three years noting achievements, challenges, and the way </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">forward for the 15th parliamentary session over the next four to five years. </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">Through the localisation process, we have recognised the importance </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">of partnerships between parliamentarians, civil society activists, and </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">academicians</span> <span dir="ltr" role="presentation">from</span> <span dir="ltr" role="presentation">universities</span> <span dir="ltr" role="presentation">and</span> <span dir="ltr" role="presentation">policy</span> <span dir="ltr" role="presentation">think</span> <span dir="ltr" role="presentation">tank</span> <span dir="ltr" role="presentation">groups.</span> <span dir="ltr" role="presentation">This </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">partnership has a direct impact at both the grassroots at the micro level </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">through SDG micro solution projects and policy advocacy on the macro </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">national and cross-cutting concerns. Both dimensions have good scope </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">for citizens’ participation in grassroots decentralised delivery of services </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">on the one hand, as well as macro national level policy formulation. This </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">process has definitive lessons for the global community.</span></p> Prof. Datuk Dr. Denison Jayasooria, Nur Rahmah Othman Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of the Malaysian Parliament Tue, 13 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Youth Development in Muar Parliamentary Constituency Through ‘The Room’ Projects <p><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">The</span> <span dir="ltr" role="presentation">All-Party</span> <span dir="ltr" role="presentation">Parliamentary</span> <span dir="ltr" role="presentation">Group</span> <span dir="ltr" role="presentation">Malaysia</span> <span dir="ltr" role="presentation">on</span> <span dir="ltr" role="presentation">the</span> <span dir="ltr" role="presentation">Sustainable </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">Development Goals (APPGM-SDG) is a bipartisan party that works with </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">constituencies to combat the issues to achieve the Sustainable Development </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">Goals. Muar is one of the constituencies collaborating with APPGM-SDG in </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">developing Muar youth. The objectives of ‘The Room’ project is conducted </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">in Muar to promote youth engagement in creative and arts activities. The </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">problem statement is that youth encounter various obstacles that might </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">restrict their personal development, limit their chances, and impede </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">their capacity to contribute to society. These obstacles can be associated </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">with education, jobs, mental health, and social concerns, among others. </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">During issue mapping, the youth’s need for a creative space was raised. </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">The methodology used is grounded research through in-depth interviews </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">and focused group discussions (FGD). Pudipang Industries, the solution </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">provider, introduced 11 activities for this ‘The Room’ project related to </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">Sustainable Development Goals to achieve the SDG 17 goals. They have </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">been awarded a RM40,000 grant to address youth engagement issues within </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">the next four months. The finding shows that the projects successfully </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">attracted 175 youth participants in various 11 activities, and nine SDGs </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">involved with the project, such as SDG 1, SDG 3, SDG 5, SDG 8, SDG </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">10, SDG 11, SDG 12, SDG 14 and SDG 16.</span></p> Siti Nur Ain Zakinuddin Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of the Malaysian Parliament Tue, 13 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Hak Negeri Melayu ke Atas Pelantar Benua: Kajian Kes Malaysia Mengikut Analisis Jurisprudens Watan <p><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">The sovereign rights of a country over territorial waters are not a new </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">issue. As an independent State, it has sovereignty within its territory and </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">external sovereignty in the form of international recognition. Disputes over </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">territorial rights remain between one State and another today, resulting </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">in tensions in political relations. A local issue close to this subject that still </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">arises is the right of a state in the Federation over petroleum production. </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">Hence, this paper aims to analyse the rights of a Malay State over the </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">territory of the Continental shelf of Malaysia, as it is there that petroleum </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">resources are explored. This study is a legal analysis using a case study </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">design promoting the method of watanic jurisprudence to analyse a few </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">primary legislation, including UNCLOS, the Continental Shelf Act 1966, and </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">the Territorial Sea Act 2012. This paper found that the territorial waters </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">of the Malay State in the Federation cannot be limited to 3 nautical miles </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">from the low tide line in pursuance of the Territorial Sea Act 2012 without </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">strict compliance with Article 2 of the Federal Constitution. The legitimacy </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">of the territorial limits of the State’s waters is essential as it determines </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">the State’s rights to the Continental shelf and its petroleum production </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">recognised for a coastal state by International Law.</span></p> Wan Ahmad Fauzi bin Wan Husain Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of the Malaysian Parliament Tue, 13 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Terrorism & The Overview on Impacts Towards Government Policies in Malaysia, The United States and The United Kingdom <p><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">The terrorist acts that occur around the world, with a significant incident </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">of September 11, have brought about changes in government policies not </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">only in Western countries but also in Malaysia. In fact, the introduction of </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act (SOSMA) 2012 in Malaysia is </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">one of the significant legislations in combating terrorism. Anti-Terrorism </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">legislation is, without a doubt, a sine qua non for countries in pursuit </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">of their states’ stability and security. Therefore, this article evaluates </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">the impacts of terrorism on government policies in Malaysia, the United </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">States and the United Kingdom and emphasis will be placed on whether </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">the policies, i.e., the domestic legislation carried out, manage to play a </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">significant role in combating terrorism. </span></p> Noraini Othman, Mohd Sharazad Saiful Bahri, Hazliana Yahaya, Augustine Leonard Jen Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of the Malaysian Parliament Tue, 13 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0200